Your face is a billboard for the stress that you carry around in your body. Your physical tension, emotional stress and limiting beliefs can show up on your face as inflammation, acne, rosacea, brown spots, dark circles and more. It’s time to turn your stress into success, because….

You were created to look good and feel great!

Benefits of Facial Reflexology include:

Clear & Radiant Appearance

Decreased Inflammation & Irritation

Reduced Physical & Mental Stress

Increased Ability to Relax & Sleep

Improved Motivation & Focus

Improved Mood & Wellbeing

Start with the Pure Energy Facial Meditation Facial Reflexology Course

Facial Reflexology is a life changing healing practice that you can activate in your portfolio of services or in your own self-care. Facial Reflexology is so effective and notice-able because it works directly with the nervous system improve health, emotions, and overall wellbeing. Learn the basics of Facial Reflexology and apply proven protocols to melt away damaging stress in the face and the entire body. Facial Reflexology is a wonderful way to expand your career, add value to your practice and promote natural healthcare for all the people that you care about. This class is designed for you to learn and start using Facial Reflexology immediately.

Commonly Asked Questions

  • Facial Reflexology works by balancing your autonomic nervous system (ANS) and allowing your face and entire body to achieve a natural and powerful state of healing, recovery and wellbeing. Your inner wellness glows and shines in our outer appearance.

    Your ANS controls all of your essential body functions that are constantly in operation to keep you alive and well, without a conscious effort on your part. Your ANS runs the functions like breathing, digestion, immunity, metabolism, circulation- and even hair growth, nail strength and eyelashes.

    As amazing and powerful as our own bodies are, they can still use our extra TLC to keep the functions in a healthy state of balance.

    When your ANS is in balance, you produce the feel-good chemicals that not only make you feel happy and strong, that actually physically make you more resilient and vibrant.

    When your ANS gets out of balance, it creates disease and physical and emotional hardship. When these things stay in balance, it creates health and wellbeing.

  • The Pure Energy Facial Meditation is a deeply relaxing facial treatment that you receive from a trained professional. It offers the nourishing blend of profound physical relaxation and the guided mental easing so that your body can process emotions and heal itself in the way it was intended to do.

    The meditation component puts your brain and nervous system into a deeply relaxed state which enhances your natural brainwave activity. This optimizes the productive function and direction of your thoughts and helps to remove the mental and emotional barriers that may be getting in the way of your achieving the life you want and love.

    In harmony with the mental relaxation and meditation, the Pure Energy Facial Meditation also refreshes and renews every organ system and flow pattern in your body. Nothing works separately. It all works together.

    When you are open to receive the Pure Energy Facial Meditation, you can multiple the overall effects of facial reflexology 10-fold so that you can see and feel the difference faster and longer.

  • The Pure Energy Facial Meditation is a 30 minute Facial Reflexology treatment that enhances your natural brainwave activity to optimize the productive function and direction of your thoughts. It helps to remove the mental and emotional barriers that may be getting in the way of achieving the life you want and love.

    For example, the Pure Energy Facial Meditation can alleviate stress-related issues including:

    Anxiety, Depression, Headaches/ Migraines, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, Diverticulitis, Hormonal Imbalances, PCOS, Cancer, Weight Gain, Hair Loss, Acne, Bloating, Brain Fog, ADHD, Postpartum Depression, Vaccine Injuries, Insomnia, Frequent Urination, Diabetes & Blood Sugar Issues, Constipation, Asthma, Covid & Long Covid, Rosacea, Hyperpigmentation, Memory Loss, Eyesight/ Eye Issues, Tinnitus, Skin Tags, Styes, Dry Mouth, Dry Eyes, Reduced Immunity, Colds & Flu.

    Looking toward the wellbeing you can achieve, the Pure Energy Facial Meditation can deliver benefits in the areas of:

    Facial Symmetry + Sculpting

    Improved Focus + Concentration

    Recovery from Injuries/ Surgery

    Improving Hair Color

    Recovery from Strokes/ Heart Attacks

    Increasing Energy

    The Pure Energy Facial Meditation when done regularly will help your body and mind work better in every way!

  • To achieve the optimal results, I recommend starting with five Pure Energy Facial Meditations over the course of two weeks. This initial commitment trains (and rewards) your brain and nervous system to enter and maintain a state of state of deeper relaxation.

    After your initial two-week period, I highly recommend doing two meditations a week.

    This rhythm is a valuable investment that will do incredible things for your nervous system. This commitment to self-care will make huge improvements in your physical health, emotional health and overall wellbeing. You’ll love the extra energy, motivation, and renewed vitality that you experience!

    If you are currently injured, sick, depressed, anxious or just need some extra support, it’s always helpful to do a daily session until you are feeling like yourself again. This happens quickly!

  • The Pure Energy Facial Meditation is a wonderfully personal and unique experience for everyone. But, overall most people feel a profound and pleasant relaxing effect that puts them in “another world.”

    Some people may feel energy moving, vibrations or electrical pulsations throughout their bodies. Some people feel emotions coming up as they are being released from their bodies. although the personal experiences differ, the vast majority benefit from an enjoyable and agreeable experience.

    Occasionally, some people have a detox effect after their first or second meditation which can show up as a headache, nausea or other symptoms. If this happens, please come back as soon as possible to balance the nervous system and decrease the negative symptoms of the detox.

    Experiencing a detox effect is a good thing! It means that your body is doing its job of decreasing inflammation and improving lymph drainage and flow. Another meditation will calm the detox effect and it’s extremely rare for these effects to return.

    Following your first meditation, you may notice that you have more or less energy than usual. Your body will intuitively tell you whether it needs more rest, or if it’s ready to go. With regular treatments, you will experience an increase in energy as your body begins to apply its natural energy resources more efficiently.

  • Every person is different but most people will immediately feel a physical and emotional improvement. after just one session. The best way to express the state of wellbeing: You will see how good you can feel!

    Immediate results include: an overall sense of wellbeing, self-care and self-love, along with complete physical relaxation and sense of cleansing.

    Cumulative results include: clarity, vitality, greater patience and focus, along with an internal motivation to nurture your own wellbeing.

    The benefits of Facial Reflexology are cumulative and will further expand into other areas of your wellbeing. To achieve optimal and long-lasting results, I recommend starting with a series of 5 sessions in 2 weeks to reorient the autonomic nervous system (ANS) so that your face and entire body achieve a natural and powerful state of healing, recovery and wellbeing. Multiple initial sessions of Facial Reflexology rehabilitate the brain and nervous system to work better for you for the long term.

    With each session, you will notice more balance and vitality within your body. You will progressively dissolve the stress and malaise that you have been carrying, possibly for your entire life. Facial Reflexology often clears out the stressful clutter within your nervous system and clears that path to clarity or lifestyle changes that magnify the benefits even more.

If you loved The Pure Energy Facial Meditation and you want to keep learning, check out the advanced classes!

Facial Sculpting + Face Reading + More Reflexology